Afraid of being found out!

Crush this insecurity

Sure She Can


The Impostor Syndrome.

Do you ever feel as if you are pretending to be bigger or better than you are in reality?
That everyone has expectations of you that you may not be able to live up to? That you are afraid of being found out, while you do know that, actually, that is not correct?
Or perhaps there is nothing wrong at all with your self-confidence, and you really know what you are capable of.
You exude confidence as well.
And yet, sometimes there is that little voice that makes you doubt.

I have discovered the reason for that!
That is what this book is about. The impostor syndrome.

(Translation of the Dutch Book F*ck die Onzekerheid)

The biggest barrier that women encounter when realizing their dreams is their own insecurity.

Rationally, talented women know that they are capable and suitable. And yet, they fear that they will be found out. They feel as if they are actually fooling everyone and it will turn out they are not capable. That feeling takes them by surprise, it comes over them – an unjust fear of exposure. They don’t know how to deal with that lack of confidence. As a consequence, they set the bar very high for themselves, or very low. They develop barriers to success.

 Impostor Syndrome

In the United States, this insecurity is known as Impostor Syndrome or Confidence Gap. Our own research among approximately 600 highly-educated Dutch women shows that about 65 percent of them are hindered by their own insecurity during their careers.

“Like a Sheryl Sandberg bestseller, as it were, but practical and concise.”

Wilma Kieskamp

Trouw, major Dutch newspaper

“Took great pleasure in reading your book. It’s certainly recognize. I will pass it on to my extremely clever and fun daughters-in-law!”

Gerdi Verbeet

Former speaker of the Dutch House of Representatives


“A book I wish every woman should have!”

Rita Harmsen, MSc, hospital change manager.

Many people, including those who are successful professionally and socially, suffer from the imposter syndrome:
the fear of being found out. They believe that they fall short in camparison with others.
They attribute the cause of their success or external factors, as opposed to their own power, their knowledge, and skills.

Boss of your brain

These irrational thoughts have a paralyzing effect and stand in the way success and happiness.
This often proves to be a significant barrier in case of new challenges, conflicts, and job applications.
Rationally, we do know that we are capable, but still we remain insecure, in particular at important moments. As a result of it we set the bar very high, or very low.

Watch the TED talk
about the Impostor-Syndrome by
Vréneli Stadelmaier

In this presentation I will share parts of my live and explain the ins and outs of the impostor-syndrome based on my book ‘Sure She Can’.
(F*ck This Insecurity in Dutch.)

